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Cats do not like water.

Cats do not like their reflection.

Badger likes both.

Working in the winter in a workshop is blummin cold work, resulting in Paul arriving home most nights to climb straight into a hot bath to warm up and relax his muscle a little, I’d go up with a drink for us both and sit and chat about our day.

Badger decided this was the perfect time to see us both, without the dog and when we weren’t sleeping. By this point we were well use to Badger coming to visit when having a shower, he’d walk along the edge of the bath making the cold wet shower curtain hit you before jumping in at the far end, with the bath though he would safely sit next to me whilst I drank my wine. Until the day he stopped and decided to enter the bath.

It began innocently with him jumping on the side of the bath, he walked up and down a few times, leant down and had a drink, and that was when he noticed his reflection on the bath handles.

He looked up and down, side to side, chirruped at the other cat before leaning in closer for a better look. He wasn’t quite close enough though so stepped onto Pauls knees, he went back and fore one paw going closer onto Paul then back again. At which point Paul thought it would be funny to lower his knees. Badger got wet, immediately jumped away, yelled a little to tell us off and hasn’t been back to the bath since.
